- A new age is upon us. About this new age, Blake states… Similarly Crowley… What does this age entail?
- Which age is the real new age is only the concern the idolator.
- What can at least say is that this is indicative to major shifts in the social sphere around this time. What changes happened to be occurring around this time?
- People commonly revered by society were those with complete trust in themselves
- Humanities greatest thinkers are those who defied groupthink and authority bias and followed their own judgement
- Why are we so certain? Why don’t we trust ourselves and follow our true will?
- We generally struggle to examine and criticize our own neural programs
- Mechanical mode
- Intelligent mode
- Children and babies act independently without caring what others will think
- ”Ye must become like children to enter the kingdom of heaven”
- Gopnik would probably agree with Emerson: Children serve to inject new ideas into the system of cultural evolution
- Humanities greatest thinkers are those who defied groupthink and authority bias and followed their own judgement
- Without the potential for creative thought, people would only evaluate things mechanically through preheld beliefs